September 5, 2022 Text for a landing page: what points to pay attention to when filling the siteHow to compose an ideal text for a landing page: useful tips A landing page is an effective...
August 8, 2022 Gathering a base for mailing lists: useful tips for effective email marketingHow to build a mailing list base yourself Email marketing is an effective promotional tool that not all...
July 11, 2022 Social media warm-ups: current recommendations to improve efficiencyHow to properly create and conduct social media warm-ups Social media warm-ups are a popular mechanism for attracting...
June 13, 2022 What is targeting and how to use itTargeting as an effective tool for promotion in social networks Any product or service has its own group...
May 16, 2022 Personal brand: where to start promoting businessPersonal brand as a tool for business development A personal brand plays a huge role in business development....
April 18, 2022 How to properly set up an advertising campaign in the Google Ads serviceGoogle Ads: What nuances to consider when setting up a campaign Google Ads is a service for setting...
March 21, 2022 SMM tools that will be useful for business promotionSMM-trends: an overview of the most relevant approaches Social networks have long ceased to be just entertainment. It...
February 28, 2022 Business promotion on the Internet: the most effective toolsHow to promote business on the Internet: the stages of strategy formation Business promotion is a set of...