Web design admin February 6, 2020
Web design
Web design
Web design is an important part of any website. It directly affects the perception of your company and brand.

A web design developed by our professionals will allow your website to present your brand identity and marketing positioning in the best possible way.

Main functions of web design:

  1. Branding and recognition
    One of the main objectives of web design is brand recognition and memorability of the company’s brand identity. If the brand already has certain popularity, the design should help visitors from the first seconds of loading the site to suggest which company’s site the user came to.
    If the brand is new, then, thanks to good web design, the site should be remembered.
  2. Increase in conversion
    The goal of most websites for businesses is purchases or applications from the site, that is, conversions. Web design can both increase conversion and decrease it. Working with our company, you will get a professional web design that will provide your site with a high conversion rate compared to competitors’ sites.

Design is especially important for e-commerce. If a client leaves your site without placing an order or leaving an order, you risk losing him forever. When visitors irritatedly close your site because of poor design, it has a growing bounce rate, and the site’s ranking in search engines drops. This can be avoided by taking a responsible approach to website design and developing it with conversion maximization techniques in mind.

Stages of work:

  1. Defining the goal and objectives of the business project.
  2. Analysis of competitors’ websites, building a marketing concept.
  3. Discussion and creation of website design layout (forming ideas, working through the structure and key elements, selection of colors, fonts, background, effects, formation of page composition, etc.).
  4. Presentation of sketches and prototypes to the client, editing, approval.
  5. Implementation of modern individual design.
Proper design will make the site stylish, unique, and expressive

✓ The corporate style will represent the philosophy of the brand.
✓ Impeccable navigation logic will provide users with psychological comfort and increase their motivation to order.
✓ Quality, selling web design will attract and retain the audience’s attention.
✓ A unique visual design of the site will strengthen the company’s position in the market, improve its image and open up new prospects for the business.

Application for cases and cost calculation.
Leave an application and our managers will send you cases with our works and make an offer for your project