Presentation trends: how to interest the customer with a bright design Juli July 4, 2022

Presentation trends: how to interest the customer with a bright design

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What presentation trends are relevant in digital design 

A presentation is an excellent tool for communicating your vision of the project, and the main points and advantages of your work to the client. This type of communication is indispensable in digital design, and its importance is only growing every year. Therefore, for a specialist who wants to remain in demand on the market, it is necessary to take into account presentation trends and actively use them in his work.

For several years in a row, design has followed the trends of minimalism and brevity. The idea that the visual content and interface of digital resources should look good on any device comes first. In addition, it is important that the slides of presentations and pages of sites are quickly loaded and do not weigh much. However, many users are already bored with the same design, they want to see fresh solutions. 

For example, the main trend in 2020 and 2021 was isometrics, and now the volume – smooth and rounded forms – is gaining more and more relevance. In connection with this, the approach to creating presentations is also changing; they increasingly include 3D elements. Such solutions allow you to highlight a particular detail, to superimpose one on the other. However, in this case, it is important not to overload the image, so as not to distract the customer from the main idea of the presentation. 

Presentation trends

There are programs where you can take ready-made 3D graphics elements, for example, a large selection of illustrations is presented in the software Saly and Handz, and three-dimensional figures can be found in the program Shapefest.

Fashion is cyclical, and this statement applies to many areas, including design. A striking confirmation of this is the style of Memphis, which was popular in the 80s and is becoming relevant again. This design is characterized by its unconventionality and lack of clear rules and frameworks. Here you can realize the most daring ideas, the main thing is to keep a positive vision. Memphis is ideal for organizing presentations – it brings freshness and brightness. This design attracts attention and definitely will not leave anyone indifferent. Various elements are used here, such as geometric shapes, pop art, and non-standard patterns.

Typography is coming back into vogue – heavy serif fonts, colorful letters. Now there is a huge number of styles that look fresh and relevant. But here, too, should observe the limit, so as not to overload the presentation of various forms and fonts.

Not all clients and designers are ready to plunge into experiments. For these, there is always minimalism, which has not lost its popularity for a long time. Laconic design of the presentation in the classic style is always well perceived and leaves a pleasant impression on the client. Minimalism will be relevant for many areas, such as the development of design for the office sector, banks, and other niches, where it is important to follow certain frameworks.

When making a presentation in a particular style, it is important to focus on the audience, interests, and goals of the customer. That way you can find the option that is closest to the consumer.