In-app advertising: peculiarities of promotion with the help of SSP-networks
Digital marketing offers professionals a huge variety of tools to promote products on the Internet, through social networks. Individual areas have appeared, such as performance marketing or programmatic. Some of them are more widespread, while others are just entering the broad market. One of these is in-app advertising, which for many marketers is still a curiosity.
Specialists are skeptical about non-standard methods of generating traffic, and in-app has fallen out of favor with them. The thing is, this trend is often associated with fraudulent schemes because in both cases, the actions are carried out through intermediaries. In-app is the attraction of traffic through affiliate partners. The networks of SSP-solutions, which are engaged in the distribution of advertising resources, are in the role of the latter. For this purpose, banners or videos are placed on the affiliate site, whose specialists manage web traffic. This promotion option is suitable for both websites and mobile applications.
In-app advertising is easy to recognize – according to many users, it is very intrusive, but it gets results. The SSP system is aimed at supporting app developers and is entirely conducive to placing ads there. However, for the tool to be effective, you need to understand how affiliate programs work. Therefore, it is better to ask for help from traffic arbitration agencies, which offer cooperation with various DSP platforms. Specialists take care of all the processes to find the best affiliate system and mechanisms of promotion. As for the payment, the agency’s work is paid according to the results, for example, for the number of clicks, or other actions, which are stipulated in advance.

Buying traffic is convenient for a mobile application, it allows monetizing free programs. Affiliate ads are broadcasted through them, which brings benefits to all parties of cooperation. Monetization to the owner is provided by the possibility of a paid version of the app without advertising.
In-app comes in several forms:
- as a screensaver when switching from one script in the applications to another;
- running ads after a certain period of time;
- videos that, when viewed in full, reward the user;
- banners on the home screen.
In-app is ideal for the mobile app development segment. As the pandemic has shown, this sphere has become record popular, with an audience of about 4.5 billion users around the world, equal to half the entire population of the planet. Such a number of users will attract traffic and make money on advertising, even if in general the mobile application is free. In this case, cooperation with an affiliate network will be the best solution for generating income, the main thing is to choose reliable intermediaries. Reviews and studies of the agency’s portfolio will help in this.