The brand universe as the basis for video promotion
According to research, Internet users spend 18% of their time online watching videos. Social networks account for 21%, and their content also includes a large number of videos. It is quite natural that this format of providing the information is considered a trend, which is useful to use for promotion. And with video, not just effective advertising is created, but an entire brand universe that builds different communications around itself.
Movies became a popular way to perceive information, an example of this is TikTok, where short videos can contain concise and interesting facts, tell complex scientific theories, or just funny stories. And if advertising campaigns included clips with huge budgets, now non-professional videos shot in one take on a smartphone or a simple camera are taking off. And it’s often enough to make a brand recognizable and create a universe around it with different characters and lots of events. This approach helps the business to broadcast its mission and to introduce the audience to the values and features of the products. And thanks to the video, the user is immersed as much as possible in the atmosphere the company creates, thereby bringing them closer together.
However, the videos should not be pathetic or contain clichéd phrases. The more accessible the information is, the more appealing it is to the audience. All the messages the brand wants to convey to consumers should be unobtrusive, as if between the lines. They are better conveyed through the behavior or words of the characters, images, and symbolism.

Separate attention should be paid to music when creating a video, as it is a narrative. With the help of a properly chosen soundtrack, you can convey to the audience a certain atmosphere and mood, which will be associated with the brand or its product in the future.
The subtler the video will convey a call to action, the more potential customers will be interested in it. Therefore, instead of direct messages, it is better to demonstrate the features of interaction with the product, and its advantages in certain cases.
You also have to think about the characters, not just take a representative of the target audience, but create a legend for him, show the customers’ needs through him, so that each of them can associate himself with the character. So you make the character closer to real people and their problems. It’s important to convey nuances with the look and gestures of the characters through the video, but try not to make them seem contrived.
The location is chosen depending on the key idea of the video. The main thing is that the environment was compatible with the product or activity of the company. Considering all these nuances, it is possible to create a brand universe, which will work for a long time for the recognition and popularity of the product.