How personalization of newsletters helps to increase conversions
Personalization is an established trend on the market. The customer likes it when a company cares not just about a group of its customers, but about each person in particular. Birthday greetings or other important dates, reminders when a product runs out or there is an interesting new item in the store’s assortment. Moments like these are a show of concern for their customers, which works great for customer retention and increasing customer loyalty. Personalization of newsletters does not require a lot of investment, but the result from its use is excellent.
You don’t have to put a lot of effort into creating these emails, all the information is already present in the user’s purchase history or is generated based on the products they view. At the same time email newsletters have a lot of advantages:
- Increased conversions. According to research, 45% of users are more likely to make a purchase on a site where they get recommendations in addition to the products they’re viewing.
- Increase the amount of the average check. Thanks to the products offered, the number of purchases can increase, and the purchase of these products was not the original purpose of the visit to the site.
- Depth of viewing. Interested in the recommendations, the user clicks on the product, moving from page to page.
Finding an idea for personalizing newsletters is not difficult at all if you consider the key parameters. For example, for a marketplace or an online hypermarket, you could use messages reminding you to restock: household chemicals, and food products. For pet stores – about pet food, filler, or vitamins.

Such mailing should be done with a certain periodicity. For example, if a buyer bought coffee beans weighing 1 kg, it will be enough for about 100 cups or 2 months. A megapack of laundry detergent, soap, and dishwashing liquid is enough for about the same period. That is, by the end of this period, you can already prepare a letter with new recommendations.
Special attention should be paid to seasonal products, which should be remembered at the beginning of the season.
For online pharmacies, a good practice would be to remind customers on the mailing list that they need to replenish the stock of drugs. It is better to do it a week before the approximate end of the drugs.
Personalized mailings can be used in almost any area of business. However, it is important not to overdo the number of recommendations and not to do them too often, so as not to turn letters into spam. The main goal is to increase customer loyalty, not to lose them. If a customer wants to unsubscribe from such advice – give them the opportunity to unsubscribe.
For newsletters to be useful, you need to analyze user activity, segment them into different categories, and make recommendations based on that.