What is the halo effect and how to use it to create a positive brand image?
The design has long been a sales tool that uses visual techniques to attract new customers and potential buyers. There are many such techniques, one of which is the halo effect. It is often found in advertising because it allows you to make an image visually appealing to the human eye. And here’s why.
The halo effect is a cognitive bias. That is, it is a phenomenon that involves repeated deviations in human behavior and thinking. The essence of the halo effect is that one’s perception of something one sees for the first time in the future depends on one’s first impression. For example, if an object is immediately liked, it may be ascribed positive qualities that it does not possess. And vice versa, if something is disliked, the benefits of that object will go unnoticed. The explanation is simple: people often relate better to those they find attractive.
The halo effect was first described by Edward Lee Thorndike in the early 20th century. In a study of how superiors perceived their subordinates, Thorndike asked officers to rate soldiers on the following parameters: intelligence, physical attributes, and leadership qualities. It turned out that commanders gave positive ratings to soldiers with more attractive looks. Thorndike spurred research on the effect, and other scientists joined the study.

Not surprisingly, the halo effect is often used in marketing to create a positive image for a brand and attract new customers. For example, some brands hire influencers to promote their products. If the influencer has credibility with their audience, their subscribers will automatically endorse the product being promoted.
In addition, brands often use a simple but effective method of focusing on the visual presentation of the product rather than its qualities. Beautiful and original packaging immediately attracts the buyer’s attention and makes the product stand out from other products. Proper presentation, creative design, and a witty approach to packaging will encourage the customer to buy, even if they do not need the product.
Stereotypes can also be part of the halo effect. Buyers often perceive a product through the prism of the country of production. For example, European brands use the definition of “European quality” to inspire confidence in potential buyers.
The concept of an “umbrella brand” can also be attributed to the halo effect. An umbrella brand means that several product groups are produced under one brand. In this case, the name must include the name of the manufacturing company and the advertising must include its logo. This makes it possible to gain credibility for new brands at the expense of the popularity of existing ones.
In conclusion, it can be said that it is not so difficult to achieve a halo effect in marketing. It is enough to know how to use the described techniques and to avoid intrusiveness in advertising.